July 28, 2012

The Crowbar

Talk about versatility! One minute, you can be bashing in the head of a pursuing zombie, the next you could be prying open a stuck door to make good your escape! Best of all: it never needs reloading, it never mis-fires and it never needs sharpening!

And don't forget the myriad uses after a natural disaster. As a wrecking tool, it is unmatched.

But what size do you need? Growing up, my Dad had a crowbar that was about three feet long (that's a meter for my Metric friends) and it felt like it weighed a ton (a tonne)! Maybe I was only nine years old, or maybe it did weigh a lot. Either way, it was very unwieldy. I'd recommend about an 18 inch (half meter) crowbar as a good size. Big enough to provide leverage, small enough not to wear your arm out swinging at the zombies massing at your door. It's big enough to do the required work/bashing, but small enough to carry around easily.

My crowbar is similar to the one I'm showing you below. Happy Bashing!

July 27, 2012


I don't want to say this is true or anything, but I am a Junior High Teacher, so this has a ring of truth to it. And I mean my fellow teachers, of course.

July 25, 2012


Let's read about shelter, shall we? We may take it for granted that we'll always be able to head for home, but what if home is too far away, flooded out, or worse, surrounded by the Living Dead? Ugghh. Such a hassle.

The link below is for the chapter on Shelter from the Army's Field Manual called Survival.

If you don't have an Army Navy Surplus store near your home, and you'd like to order a copy for your emergency library, I'm including a link for you to buy it.

July 22, 2012

How Sweet...

Five Gallons

One of the simplest things you can do to prepare for any emergency, Zombie or otherwise, is to store a few gallons of water around your place.

I've read a gallon per day is required; half for drinking, the other half for cooking and personal hygiene. The water may be off, but that's no reason to have Zombie breath! If you store five gallons per person, it will make those first few days of ANY emergency easier.

Trust me on storing water. You could drink the water from the toilet tank, but eww...
I have one of the containers on the left below that we take when we go camping, and three of the hard plastic containers in my storage room, filled and ready for the Big Day!

July 18, 2012

The Shovel

When you need a shovel, you NEED a shovel. Nothing else will do. Your Zombie Apocalypse kit will not be complete without one.
You may need to dig a latrine, plant a garden to grow your own food, or bash your neighbor-turned-zombie in the head, and nothing works better than a good old-fashioned shovel. Plus, you can dispose of your former-neighbor in your newly dug latrine. Now that's doing double duty (no pun intended).

Zombies Among Us...

This pretty much says it all
Zombies on Smart Phones

Army Urban Operations Manual

Let's kick things off with some free knowledge. I'm posting this link to the Army's Field Guide called Urban Operations. Since most Zombie Outbreaks seem to start in big cities (in the movies, at least), we'll start with an overview of urban combat considerations!
